Cherry Hinton Church End WI
Cherry Hinton WI is one of the WIs that form the Cambridge Federation of the National Federation of WIs
May 2015: Cherry Hinton Church End WI 25th anniversary ...
Our entertainer for the evening, Jancis Harvey, such fun she was, not only sang but also provided us with poems, reflections, stories and anecdotes.....and then flew to Barbados the next day ..
Our Committee, in their finery, with our entertainer, Jancis Harvey, for the evening...
Margaret, our President, was presented with a gift in recognition of all the hard work she does for the WI...wonder what it was....
Sheila King, our Secretary, spent a whole year working hard to produce this commemorative tablecloth. It contains all the signatures of our current membership. It will be used at our meetings to display competition entries.
Thank you Sheila
Our Committee....they worked tirelessly to produce the most spectacular buffet for us to enjoy... thank you all
The decoration on top of our celebraton cake, created by Committee member Sheila Willson
Our members and invited guests enjoying the evening's entertainment....
Happy faces, enjoying the entertainment and preparing for the feast ahead .....
Our invited guests enjoyed themselves, finding out about the WI .....